Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Kayla at Tybee

Here are some of the shots from Kayla's shoot at Tybee.. the one's I did the day after I got my new camera!

First DSLR!!

So about a month and a half ago I got my first DSLR camera!! I've been saving for it for about 2 years now and I finally got it! It's a Nikon D80 and now I'm saving for the D300! Woop woop! :) The day after I got it I had to do a shoot so I got my friend Kayla to go to the beach and we just shot for fun. The pictures actually turned out pretty awesome. I haven't had much time to shoot with it since I live in Savannah now and work all the time. I went home a couple weekends ago and did a few shoots. Since then I haven't done any shoots. This coming weekend is my cousins wedding and I'm the photographer there & I can't wait! My FIRST wedding being the actual photographer. I'm hoping for the best!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Trying to "rock the vote"

So, I'm trying to pay more attention to politics and this election especially. I believe it's important to pay attention to these things, I've just never really cared until this primary election. I watched the debate last night between Obama and McCain & it really kept my attention most of the way through. People ask if I'm democrat or Republican & until the other day I never knew really which I was. I'm taking an American Democracy class & the professor asked us to take this short test to tell us exactly where we stand. It says I am a Centrist.... which was pretty much me to a T! I still don't really know which candidate would be best for office but I think with a few more weeks I might be able to figure out who I would vote for, if I did vote.
Anyway, this was just to maybe point some people who are my age toward listening and reading and learning more about politics. If I can get semi interested in them, anyone can!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Walking along the River

S a v a n n a h

If you have ever been to River Street in Savannah you have to know that the stores are amazing. One of the best parts about the walk along the river has to be the candy shops. River Street has three to four candy shops where, at times, you can watch the candy makers at work! So, this past weekend some of my family came to visit. As usual, we went down to River Street for a couple of hours... and still didn't do everything there was to do!

This is Sabrina, obviously her first time on River Street, or at least in the candy shops! haha I love her face!

This one was one of my favorites from the night. To me it captures the hectic world of Savannah and all of the rush that comes with living in this city.

If you ever do get the chance to visit Savannah, you should, no doubt! There is so much to do and so many beautiful things to see! There is a lot of history to this town that is captivating and beautiful!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The last before the move

Caleigh was the last girl I shot in Albany before I moved to Savannah. I've been super busy with the move that I just hadn't had a chance to upload anything from our shoot. I have shot Caleigh once before earlier in 2008. Since our last session I upgraded my camera and editing software which is cool. I did have a Kodak 650z which was only 6 megs and not a very far zoom... a step up from the most basic camera. The first part of May my dad and grandparents pitched in to get me a better camera to shoot with. I picked out the Nikkon P80, not to be confused with the D80.. The P80 is a 10.1 meg with an 18x zoom. Hopefully I will be able to purchase a better lens for it within the next year!

So, back to Caleigh's second session. It started to cloud up and storm toward the end of our time but for the most part we got some really cute shots! She always has the cutest clothes to wear!

This was one of my favorites from the shoot!! This color process tends to turn out well with her pictures. I guess it's the blonde hair?

pink looks AMAZING on this girl!!

i loved the background in this one! black also looks good with her light hair! she can pull of that serious face! i never really have to focus on the poses so much with her.. she can work the camera with little help from me, which is rarely a bad thing!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Move

So I just moved to Savannah yesterday and so far I am liking it! I am supposed to shoot a girl sometime this Monday and she is going to show me around to some cool places! I don't plan on doing my photography as much as I did back home because I don't know as many people here, but if it turns out that I still shoot the same amount then that's awesome! I look forward to meeting new people and finding a cool job! I can't wait for everything that's to come with living here!! :)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Miss Spenser

This evening I went out to Marks Melon Patch to shoot with one of my good friends from high school. She and I were in journalism for two years together but knew each other before then through friends and family. We thought if we waited until around 6 or 630 that it might not be so hot but we were completely wrong! I guess I forgot that we live in south Georgia were we sweat on Christmas day.. I'm not sure what I thought.. the temperature would be in the seventies?? pshhh.. we did come out with some cute pictures though!! Enjoy!

yes spenser, that is the sun!